Website price in 2023: How will the price be set and how to save when ordering a website?

Website development is an individual project and the price of a website depends mainly on the client's needs. The more complex the solution and the more unique the design of the website, the higher the price will be. Please fill in the fields with additional information and send us a message. We will contact you as soon as possible within one working day.

What does the price of a website depend on?

The first step in creating a website is to understand what the price of a website depends on, and to understand the necessity of its existence in today's digital world. It's not just the digital face of a business, but also a means to achieve greater visibility and reach. However, the cost of a website can vary significantly depending on specific needs, budget and the technology chosen.

In general, the price of a website can vary from €600 to tens of thousands of euros. The wide variation in the price range is mainly due to the complexity of the website, the design requirements, the technologies used and the skills and experience of the chosen website developer.

How much does it cost for a company to order a website?

Having a website is an essential investment for a business, but the cost can be significant. The cost of subscribing to a website can depend on many factors and can vary widely. Some of the main influencers are its complexity, design requirements, the technologies chosen and many other factors.

For example, if you want a simple one-page website that uses a standard design template and includes minimal features, the price of a website can be relatively low. On the other hand, if you want a complex, multi-page website that requires a custom design and different features, such as an e-shop or an interactive interface, the cost of making a website can be significantly higher.

But remember that the cost of a website is an investment in the future of your business. A good website can increase your company's visibility, improve customer relations and boost sales.

What makes up the price of a website?

The price of a website is not just a number. It is a complex price, made up of many factors. First of all, it is important to understand that the price of a website depends largely on the type of website you need. A simple static website, which consists of a few individual pages and uses basic HTML and CSS technology, is usually significantly cheaper than a dynamic website, which uses more complex programming languages such as JavaScript or PHP and may include interactive features or complex databases.

Another important factor in the price of a website is the design. Custom designs are usually more expensive than ready-made designs or templates. If you want your website to have a unique and professional look, you will probably need to invest in a custom design.

A third important factor is the volume of development work. If a website requires a lot of programming or complex features, this can significantly increase the price of the website. The more man-hours the developer has to spend to create the website, the higher the final price is likely to be.

The price of a website depends largely on its size

The price of a website can vary significantly depending on its size. In general, the more pages and functionalities it contains, the more expensive it is.

A simple one-page website containing information about the company and its services can be relatively inexpensive. On the other hand, a large website that includes several sub-pages, different features such as an e-shop, blog or subscription forms, can be much more expensive.

The amount of content can also affect the price of a website. The more content you need to create or have created, the more time and resources it will require.

Main factors affecting the price of a website

The price of a website depends on many different factors. The main factors to consider are:

  1. Website type and complexity: As mentioned earlier, the price of a simple, single-page website can be much cheaper than a complex, multi-page website. In addition, different features, such as an e-shop, blog or subscription forms, may increase the development costs.
  2. Design: A customised design can significantly increase the price of a website. If you want a unique and professional website design, you will probably have to pay more for it.
  3. Technology: Different technologies can affect the price of a website. For example, building a WordPress website is usually cheaper than building a website from scratch using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript or PHP.
  4. Content: Creating content can be a time-consuming process, which can increase the price of a website. If you want quality content that is SEO-optimised and will help you increase your website's visibility in search engines, you will likely need to invest in a content creation service.
  5. Care and support: After the website has been set up, regular maintenance and support may be necessary to ensure that the website is functioning properly. Maintenance costs may have an impact on the total price of the website.

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How to get an accurate website quote?

In order to get the most accurate website quote, it is important to be clear about your needs and objectives. The more details and information you can provide to the website developer, the more accurate the quote will be.

First, think about the type of website your business needs. Do you want a simple, informative website or a complex e-shop? What functionalities do you want to see on your website? Do you need a customised design, or will an existing template do?

Secondly, consider your budget. Think about how much you are willing to invest in the creation and maintenance of your website. Remember that the cost of a website is an investment that can pay off in the long run.

Third, get quotes from several different developers or agencies. Ask them for a quote and compare the different options. Take into account not only the initial price but also additional services such as maintenance, SEO optimisation and content creation.

Website maintenance

Website maintenance is an important part of the price of a website. Once the website is up and running, you need to make sure that it functions properly, is secure and up to date, and complies with the necessary data protection laws. This may include security updates, backups, security monitoring and vulnerability detection, website speed optimisation and much more.

The cost of maintaining a website can depend on a number of factors, including the complexity of the website, the technology used and the pricing of the developer or agency. Some developers may offer maintenance services as part of a website build package, while others may charge a separate maintenance fee.

Remember that website maintenance is an important investment. Good maintenance can keep your website running smoothly, improve the user experience and help protect your website from security risks.

Read more website maintenance and support

How to make a website

Making your own website

If you are on a very tight budget, you may want to consider doing the website yourself. There are many platforms and tools that allow you to create simple websites without programming skills. Examples of such platforms include WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.

The main advantage of doing it yourself is that it can be much cheaper than outsourcing to a developer or agency. It also allows you to control the whole process of creating a website and modify it to suit your needs.

But remember that making a website yourself takes time and patience. You will also need to know how to use the platform or tool of your choice, and you may need to learn basic design and SEO principles.

Cost of a website when hiring a professional/freelancer

If you want to have a quality website, hiring a professional developer or freelancer can be a good investment. The cost of hiring a website developer may be higher than doing it yourself, but there can be a number of benefits.

  1. A developer can provide technical know-how and experience that you may not have. He or she can help you choose the best technologies, create an effective website structure, and ensure that your website is optimised for both user experience and search engines.
  2. The developer can save you time. Creating a website can be a time-consuming process, especially if you've never done it before. A developer can do the job faster and more efficiently.
  3. The developer can guarantee the quality and reliability of the website. They can ensure that the website is error-free, secure and works smoothly across different browsers and devices.

The cost of a website if you hire an agency

If you want a comprehensive solution, hiring an agency can be a good option. Agencies often offer a wide range of services, including website design and development, content creation, SEO optimisation and maintenance.

The cost of hiring an agency for a website can be higher than hiring a freelance developer or doing it yourself. However, there can also be a number of advantages to hiring an agency.

  1. Agencies often have a larger team, which means they can offer a wider range of expertise and resources. They can handle all aspects of website creation and maintenance, which can save you time and effort.
  2. Agencies can provide better support and customer service. If you have problems or questions, you are more likely to have more people to turn to.
  3. Agencies can offer higher quality and reliability. They are likely to be experienced in a wide range of projects and have standards to which their work must conform.

Quotations from agencies' websites?

Website prices can vary widely between online agencies. Some agencies specialise in simple, low-cost websites, while others focus on large-scale, complex projects. Some agencies may also offer additional services, such as content creation, SEO optimisation and website maintenance, which can also affect the price of a website.

For example, a small web agency may offer simple websites for as little as €600, while large agencies may charge from €5,000 for more complex websites. Additional services may be subject to additional charges, ranging from a few hundred euros to several thousand euros, depending on the specific additional service.

That's why it's important to compare the prices and services of different agencies' websites to find the most suitable solution. Take the time to compare different quotes and think carefully about which services are most important for your business.

Price ranges for making a website

Website costing €1 000-3 000

In this price range, you can expect to get a high-quality single-page or small multi-page website. The price of a website in this range should include a custom design, basic features such as a contact form and blog, and a certain amount of content creation.

This price range may also include some additional services, such as basic SEO optimisation and website maintenance for a few months after the website is launched.

Keep in mind that the final price of a website will depend on many factors, including specific needs, the pricing of the developer or agency, and the size and complexity of the website.

Website costing €3 000-10 000

In this price range, between €3 000 and €10 000, you can expect a very well designed and functional website. Within this price range, the website should be well structured, with a number of sub-pages and a wide range of different features. For example, you could get e-shop functionality, a blog, newsletter subscription forms, integrations with social media platforms and much more.

Another important aspect in this price range is the design. You can expect a website that is visually beautiful, user-friendly and meets modern design standards. This means that the website design should be mobile-friendly, have a fast loading time and be optimised for search engines. In addition, the website should be flexible enough to allow for easy future development or modification.

In addition, a certain level of customer service and after-sales care should go hand in hand with this price range. This should include regular updates and maintenance, technical support, content management training and perhaps even some content creation or editing. All of these functions will help to ensure that the website remains effective and relevant once launched.

Websites costing €10,000 or more

If your company has a larger budget, you can expect a very high quality and sophisticated website if you find the right developer or agency. The price of a website in this price range should include a custom design, a range of different features such as an e-shop, customised forms or integration with third party services, and a large amount of content creation.

This price range should also come with a wide range of additional services such as advanced SEO optimisation, analytics setup, content management training and ongoing maintenance.

Remember that while a bigger budget can give you more options and flexibility, you still need to be clear about your needs and goals. Think carefully about the type of website you need, the features you want to see on your website and how much you are prepared to invest in setting up and maintaining your website.

Ultimately, the price of a website depends on many different factors. But with sound planning and thoughtful decision-making, you can find the best solution for your business that meets your needs and budget.

Summary: The cost of a website in 2023

In summary, the cost of a website is closely linked to a number of factors, including the complexity of the website, design requirements, the technologies chosen, the volume of content and the maintenance requirements. Depending on these, the price of a website can vary from a few hundred euros to tens of thousands of euros.

In order to estimate how much it will cost to create a website, it is important to understand the needs and goals of your business and communicate these clearly to the developer or agency. It is useful to take quotes from several developers or agencies to get a better idea of the different options and prices.

Finally, creating a website is an investment in the future of your business. Although the initial cost may seem high, a good website can help to increase your company's visibility, improve customer relations and boost sales. Therefore, it is important not to focus only on the initial cost, but also to consider the long-term benefits of creating a website. To read more wordpress website price