How to plan your Website?

A simple guide for start-up entrepreneurs

Kui sul on olemas äriidee, projekt, hobi või toimiv ettevõte, mida soovid jagada laiema ringiga siis kindlasti oled küsinud endalt kuidas hakata planeerima kodulehe tegemist? Kuid kuidas ikkagi kavandada kodulehe või e-poe tegemist, mis vastaks sinu eesmärkidele ja ootustele? Millised on eduka kodulehe loomiseks vajalikud sammud?

Selles artiklis tutvustame peamisi kodulehe planeerimise protsesse. Käsitleme teemasid nagu:

  • How to set objectives and target audiences for the website
  • How to choose between a domain name and different web hosting services
  • How to design and structure your websitee
  • How to create and optimise website content easily
  • How to market and promote your website.
  • Kuidas koostada kodulehele eelarve ja milliseid ressurese vajad

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to design a website that meets your needs and attracts visitors. Whether you want to create a blog, a portfolio, a company website or an online shop, this guide will help you get started with planning your website.

How to define the objectives and target audiences of your website?

The first step when starting to plan a website is to define the objectives you want to achieve with it and the target audiences it is aimed at. This will help you set your goals, choose the right tone and tailor your content to your ideal customer. In order to define your objectives and target audience, you need to find answers to the following questions:

  • What is the main purpose of a website? What do you want to achieve? SMART or PACT methodologies are the easiest ways to set goals, choose the one that suits you.
  • Who are the potential visitors to the website? What are your customers' demographics, interests, behaviours and pain points?
  • What value proposition do you offer your customers? How does the website solve their problems or help them get what they want?
  • What activities do you want visitors to do on the website? Do you want them to subscribe, buy, contact you, share content or do something else?
  • How do you measure the success of your website? What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) you use to monitor your progress and results?

To answer these questions, you can use a variety of methods, such as brainstorming, market research, competitor analysis, surveys, interviews, persona-based user stories. These will help you to gain insights and knowledge about your niche, competitors and target audience.

Once you've defined your objectives and target audiences, you can write a mission statement that summarises your brand vision and value proposition. A mission statement is a short and catchy sentence that describes what your website or e-shop does, who it serves and how it is different from others. Here are some examples of mission statements for popular websites and e-shops:

Some examples of mission statements

  • Amazon: To be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
  • Netflix: To entertain the world with TV shows and movies across a wide variety of genres and languages.
  • Spotify: To unlock the potential of human creativity by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.
  • Airbnb: To help create a world where anyone can belong anywhere, providing healthy travel that is local, authentic, diverse, inclusive, and sustainable.

A mission statement will help you to better communicate your goals and values to your target audience and stakeholders. It will also help you stay focused and consistent throughout the development of your website.

How to choose a domain name and web hosting provider

The next step in planning a website or e-shop is choosing a domain name and web hosting service. The domain name is the Internet address of your website or e-shop, for example www.ettevõ A web hosting service is a service provider that stores the files of your website or e-shop and makes them available to visitors.

Choosing a domain name and web hosting service is an important decision that can affect the visibility, reliability and security of your website. Here are some tips to help you choose the right domain name and web hosting for your needs:

Domain name

  • The domain name should be relevant, memorable and easy to spell and pronounce. Avoid the use of numbers, hyphens or abbreviations that may confuse visitors.
  • The domain name should reflect your brand identity and value proposition. Use keywords that describe your niche, products or services. You can also use your own name or a creative name that stands out from others.
  • When choosing a domain name, choose the extension that suits it, such as .eu, .com, .net, .org, .biz or .co. or use a country-specific extension for a specific country of destination, such as .ee, .fi, .lv, .uk, .ca, .au or .in if you want to target a specific country market. You can also use a niche-specific extension such as .shop, .blog, .art or .travel if you want to highlight your industry or category.

Web hosting

  • Vali veebimajutusteenus, mis on usaldusväärne, kiire ja turvaline. Võrdle pakkujaid omavahel. Võrdle erinevaid pakkujaid ja pakette ning hindu, et leida enda kodulehe jaoks parim hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe.
  • Vali veebimajutus, mis toetab platvormi või tarkvara, mida soovite kasutada oma kodulehe loomisel. Näiteks kui soovid kasutada WordPressi, võite valida spetsiaalse WordPressi veebimajutuse, mis on selle jaoks loodud ja mis on optimeeritud selle tarbeks. Oluline on ka veebimajutuse teenuse pakkuja serverite asukoht. Kui lood e-poe Eesti turule siis on mõistlik kasutada veebimajutust mille serverid asuvad Eestis, kui aga teie peamine siht turg asub USA-s või Aasias siis on mõistlik kasutada teenusepakkujaid, kelle serverid paiknevad vastavas regioonis.
  • Kui oled kindel, et koduleht võib vajada rohkem serveri ressursse siis vali veebimajutus, mis pakub skaleeritavust ja paindlikkust. Võib-olla soovite alustada lihtsama ja vähem ressursi vajava paketiga ja hiljem liikuda edasi suurema jõudlusega paketi peale, kui koduleht kasvab ja meelitab kohale juba rohkem liiklust.

You can use a variety of tools to choose a domain name and web hosting, for example there are good web hosting solutions in Estonia: Web hosting and Zone: - Convenience and affordable price

Veebimajutus is a modern and innovative web hosting provider in Estonia with over 25 years of experience and over 25 000 customers. Veebimajutus offers shared web hosting as well as domain registration, email hosting and SSL certificates.

90%'s web hosting clients are small and medium-sized enterprises in Estonia. Their motto is "Manage everything from one place. Conveniently and quickly.". The most beginner-friendly service, lots of DIY tutorials and a blog where you can find useful tips to improve your website.

Kui soovid lihtsat ja kasutajasõbraliku veebimajutust oma kodulehega alustamiseks siis on sulle õige valik.

Would you like to get 6 months of free online accommodation on SOODUSCODE - Quality and reliability

It is one of the oldest and most popular web hosting providers in Estonia, with over 25 years of experience and over 100 000 customers. offers all types of web hosting from: shared, VPS, cloud and private server web hosting, as well as domain registration, email hosting and SSL certificates. is renowned for its quality and reliability and excellent customer support. Zone is one of the most scalable online accommodation in Estonia, where you can start with shared accommodation and move up to a private web hosting package as needed.

Want to register a domain with web hosting zones? SOODUSCODE

Foreign web hosting providers for websites built on wordpress: WPengine, Flywheel, GoDaddy, Bluehost, SiteGround.

Once you've chosen your domain name and web hosting, it's easy to get your website up and running. In the web host, you can configure your email accounts, SSL certificates and other settings to increase the security of your website. If you have any problems with the configuration, please feel free to contact us through contact form.

Website design and layout

Website design and layout is not just about aesthetics. They have a direct impact on your website's usability, visitor engagement and conversion rates. Therefore, it pays to invest time and resources to ensure that your website design is not only beautiful, but also functional and user-friendly.

Look at and analyse what the competitors' websites are like and what functionalities they offer to the user, while also thinking about what you as a customer would expect from a competitor's website, i.e. what you could offer your future customers and how user-friendly their websites are. Be sure to find out what the design trends are in your niche. A good way to find the latest website design trends and inspiration is to check out, Pinterest või Dribble.

Key points to focus on in your website design:

  • Esmamulje: Visitors will be impressed by your website within seconds. That's why it's important that your website design is modern, clean and professional.
  • Visual hierarchy: Important information should be highlighted and easy to find.
  • User-friendliness: The design of the website should be intuitive and simple, so that visitors can quickly find the information they need.
  • Brand consistency: Use the same colours, fonts and tones that are consistent with your lodge's brand identity.
  • Trends: Kuigi on oluline olla kursis kodulehe kujundustrendidega, peaksid valima need, mis sobivad sinu brändi ja sihtgrupile paremini, ning mida on võimalik teostada kodulehe eelarve piires.

Mõtle läbi kas kodulehel piisab valmispõhjale kohandatud disainist või vajad rätseplahendusena loodud disainilahendust. Mõtle läbi kõik olulisemad disaini aspektid, millised võiksid olla kodulehe visuaalne ülesehitus. Visanda see paberile või lõika kokku erinevatest kodulehtedest ning vajadusel anna oma kogutud mõtted edasi disainerile.

How to create and optimise website content

Neljas samm kodulehe planeerimisel on sisu loomine ja optimeerimine. Sisu hõlmab elemente nagu tekst, pildid, videod, heli ja interaktiivsed funktsioonid. Sisu loomine ja optimeerimine on kodulehe planeerimise oluline osa, sest see võib mõjutada veebireputatsiooni, autoriteeti ja järjestust otsingutes. Siin tasuks mõelda ka sellele, et kas vajaliku sisu tootmisesse oleks vaja kaasata abilisi, näiteks sisukirjutaja, graafiline disainer, fotograaf või videograaf.

Millist tüüpi sisu sinu koduleht vajab?

  • Articles: Kas soovid jagada infot, uudiseid oma tegemistest, kampaaniatest või hoopis oma teadmisi enda nišis? Regulaarsed ja kvaliteetsed artiklid aitavad tõsta kodulehe autoriteeti ja parandavad otsingumootorites selle nähtavust.
  • Videos: Visuaalne sisu suudab tihti edastada informatsiooni kiiremini ja emotsionaalsemalt kui tekst ning on sageli palju mõjusam.
  • Gallery: If your field requires outstanding visual presentations, like photographers, designers, architects or artists, then impressive image galleries or portfolio pages are essential elements of your website.

Here are some simple tips to help you create and optimise your content:

  • Content that is relevant, valuable and engaging. Sisu peaks vastama eesmärgile, sihtrühmale ja väärtuspakkumisele, mis oled koostanud. Samuti peaks see andma kasulikku teavet, lahendama lugeja valupunkte, vastama küsimustele või innustama lugejat tegutsema.
  • Content that is original, authentic and trustworthy. Sisu peaks peegeldama teie brändi tooni, stiili ja isikupära ning brändi positsiooni. Samuti peaks sisu olema toetatud faktide, andmete ja allikatega.
  • Story content that is clear, concise and easy to read. The content should use simple and direct language, short and simple sentences, grammar and punctuation. It should also use headings, subheadings, lists and bullet points to organise and structure the text and highlight key points.
  • Create content that is optimised for search engines and users. Content should use keywords, titles, meta descriptions and headings that match the target audience's searches in search engines. Content should also use images, videos and other media that enhance the message and appeal to other audience senses.
  • Create content that is consistent and up-to-date. Content should follow a consistent tone, style and format throughout the website. It should also be regularly reviewed and amended to ensure that it is accurate, up-to-date and fresh.

You can use a variety of tools and resources to create and optimise your content, such as Google Docs, Grammarly, CoSchedule Headline Analyzer, Rankmath SEO and Unsplash. These can help you write, edit, format and optimise your content for search. You can also use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor and improve the performance and user experience of your content.

How to optimise your website for search engines?

  • Quality content: Search engines value quality and relevant content. Provide value to your visitors by regularly updating the content on your website and be sure to post new content.
  • Keyword analysis: Think and analyse what words and phrases your target audience might use in search engines. Integrate these keywords into your website content, meta descriptions and URLs. For keyword research, Google Keyword Planner is a great workhorse.
  • Technical SEO: Veendu, et Sinu koduleht laeks kiiresti, oleks mobiilisõbralik, pildid oleksid optimeeritud ja kõik lehed oleksid korrektselt indekseeritud search console-is. Kui koduleht on aeglane siis kaasa tehniliste probleemide lahendamiseks appi arendaja.

You can use tools such as Pingdom, GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights to test the speed and performance of your website. In the Search console you can monitor how many pages your website has been indexed by Google and if there are any problems with the indexing of pages.

Apart from SEO, try conversion rate optimisation (CRO) and user experience optimisation (UXO). These strategies will help you improve website conversion and build long-term, lasting customer relationships.

How to market your website

The fifth step in planning a website is marketing and advertising your website. This involves advertising your website to attract visitors. To successfully market your website, we recommend the following solutions:

  • Digital Marketing - Market your website through different channels, such as Google ads, social media posts or paid ads, email marketing, content marketing through blogs, influencer marketing or paid digital advertising in media publications. These will help you reach your target audience faster, increase website traffic and make sales.

You can advertise on your website using a variety of services such as Smaily, Mailchimp, Hootsuite, Buffer, BuzzSumo, Google Ads, Meta Ads, LinkedIN Ads, etc. These will help you manage and optimise your digital marketing campaigns.

  • Conventional marketing - If your business is primarily aimed at the local market, you could try printed flyers, posters on local notice boards, outdoor advertising, promotional menswear or even promotional clothing (for example: last summer we tested a t-shirt with a client's logo and qr-code on a newly designed website, traffic and enquiries increased 4 times on the working days the t-shirt was worn).

Try out different techniques for marketing your website and find the one that works best for promoting your business.

Website budget and resources you need

Creating a website is an investment in your business or brand. As with any investment, it is important to think about budget and resources to ensure the success and sustainability of the project objectives.

How to set a budget for your website?

  • Objectives: Võta aluseks eesmärgid mis seadsid, planeerimise esimeses osas. Ning mõtle läbi kui suur võiks olla eelarve nende eesmärkide saavutamiseks.
  • Design solution: Mõtle läbi milline disainilahendus sulle sobib ja mis toetab sinu seatud eesmärke. Lihtsa disainiga valmispõhjale kohandatud koduleht on alati soodsam ja lihtsam teha, kui rätseplahendusena tehtud keeruka disainiga koduleht, samas aga võib rätseplahendus olla just see, mis eristab sind teistest konkurentidest ning aitab saavutada kiiresti edu.
  • Functionalities: Consider whether it's a simple business card type website with a simple contact form, a more complex e-shop or a portal. Remember that the more special features and customisation you need on a website, the higher the likely budget and complexity of the website.
  • Website content: If you plan to create a lot of high quality content for your website, you should definitely consider enlisting the help of a content writer or photographer, for example, who will write and photograph the necessary material for the content. Alternatively, for a lower budget, you could also use Chat gpt to create a text base and use images from an image bank or images created with ai, for example.
  • Website optimisation: Esmalt mõtle kui palju optimeerimist sinu koduleht kohe vajab, kas piisab esialgu vaid lihtsamast optimeerimisest või on vaja teostada ka tehnilist optimeerimist. Tehnilise optimeerimise osas kaasa kindlasti vestlusesse ka mõni arendaja. Rätseplahendusega kodulehe tehniline optimeerimine võib olla vajalik teostada suuremaid töid ja selle arvelt võib eelarve kasvada suuremaks. SEO optimeerimise puhul oleneb kõik suuresti sisu hulgast mida on vaja optimeerida. Mida rohkem on sisu millele vaja leida õigeid märksõnu, korrastada struktuuri jne, seda suurem peaks olema ka sinu optimeerimise eelarve.
  • Website Marketing: Turunduse puhul lähme taas tagasi eesmärkide juurde. Kui oleme seadnud eesmärgiks teha 1000 müüki e-poes esimese kvartaliga siis kindlasti tuleks valida ka vastav eelarve turunduse jaoks. Turunduses on võimalik alati ajada läbi soodsamalt kui teha ise ja kasutada oma aega ja loovust, samas kui soovid rohkem rõhku panna muudele tegevustele siis võta appi turundaja kes loob sulle vajaliku turundusplaani ja tegevuskavad eesmärkide saavutamiseks ning tegeleb kogu sinu kodulehe turundusega.

Milliseid ressursse on sul vaja?

  • Designer: Kui sa soovid ainulaadset kodulehe kujundust ja brändingut, on mõistlik kaasata kogenud veebidisainer, kes loob vajaliku lahenduse vastavalt sinu soovidele.
  • Developer: Erifunktsionaalsuste ja kodulehe ehitamise ning tehnilise optimeerimise jaoks on mõistlik kaasata ka veebiarendaja. Arendaja loob vajalikud funktsionaalsused ning kodeerib disaineri tehtud disainivaated, mida sinu koduleht vajab. Regulaarse hooldusega tagab arendaja, et koduleht töötaks sujuvalt ja oleks turvaline ning uuendatud õigel ajal.
  • Turundaja: An experienced marketer can create a marketing plan and specific action plans with budgets that will help you move quickly and successfully towards your goals.
  • Content creator and SEO specialist: Good content is one of the foundations of successful website marketing. A content creator can help you create engaging content for the reader, and an SEO specialist can help you tailor it for search engines.

Pea meeles, et mida rohkem ressuresse vajad seda suurem peaks olema ka kodulehe eelarve.

In summary, how to plan a website?

Kodulehe planeerimine võib olla keeruline protsess. See nõuab hoolikat uurimistööd, analüüsi, kavandamist ja ka teostust. Järgides artiklis kirjeldatud lihtsaid samme ja näpunäiteid, saate kavandada enda kodulehe, mis vastab teie eesmärkidele ja ootustele. Kui jääd hätta plaaneerimisel ja projektiplaani koostamisega siis võta meiega julgelt ühendust ning arutame läbi, kuidas saame sinu projekti teoks teha. Kirjuta meile contact form.

Follow these 6 steps to plan your website:

  • Define your objective and the target audiences the website is aimed at
  • Choose a domain name and web hosting for your website.
  • Design and structure your website.
  • Draw up a budget and think through what resources you need
  • Create and optimise quality content for your website.
  • Actively market and promote your website.

Loodame, et see artikkel aitab sul alustada kodulehe planeerimisega. Kui vajad abi projekti planeerimisel ja teostamisel või kui sul tekkis mõni küsimus või sooviksid, et lisaksime artiklile midagi juurde siis kirjuta meile: or through contact form.