Why update your company website - 6 reasons

Why update your company website? In today's digital world, there's no better sales representative for a business than a company website that works 24/7. Today, more than ever, people are searching for businesses and their details online. Having a good website, or keeping it relevant, is crucial. A user-friendly website that is easy to use and adaptable to different devices is what most people prefer.

Most businesses have a website, but little attention is paid to keeping it up to date and implementing it as a 24/7 sales tool. An outdated website can shape a visitor's perception of the company. Even if the company itself may be a really good player in its field, the first-time visitor may not see it through the website. Companies that invest the time to ensure that they have relevant content will ensure that customers find the product or service that visitors are looking for.

Reasons to update your company website

The main reason for redesigning the website is to improve and enhance the user experience. In fact, research shows that more than 80% of visitors are convinced that they will not revisit a website with a poor user experience.No matter how many features and capabilities a website offers. If the user experience is not seamless across different devices, users may leave the site and move on to a competitor whose site offers a better user experience.

With almost 65% visits to most websites coming through the phone, it is important that the website is mobile responsive. If an outdated landing page does not adapt to different devices then the business will exclude 65% potential customers. The main keywords in user experience are ease of navigation, responsiveness, modern design and updated functionality. These are the points that are important for the user.

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Search engine optimisation and website performance

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO of a website

Let's say a company has a great website, but if no one can find it in a Google search, it's of little use to the company. It's important that the website is technically and SEO optimised, and contains quality content and the right keywords. This will ensure that the homepage appears at the top of search results. SEO optimisation will help you stay one step ahead of your competitors. A website that appears in the top half of the search results will increase the number of visits, which in turn creates the potential for more sales and an increase in the credibility and awareness of the company or brand.

Website loading speed is one of the most important criteria for technical optimisation and improving the user experience. A slow-loading website can lead to the loss of a potential customer, even if the website content is of high quality and visually impressive. Users may get bored waiting for the website to load and may therefore leave and go to a competitor's website, resulting in lost revenue for the company.

Read more: SEO service

Branding on the website

If the website does not focus on the brand's values and does not present the brand in the right way, you may not be attractive to the customer in comparison to your competitors. A strong brand image can make a smaller business a match for much larger competitors. Capturing the essence of a brand on its most important digital business card is as important as the brand itself. If the website reflects the brand image as well as the company itself, authenticity to a potential customer increases tenfold.

Presenting a brand correctly on a website is not just a visual task, it requires an understanding of what the brand represents and how it resonates with the target audience. This means that every element of a website, from the colours to the tone of the text or font, should be carefully chosen to convey the brand message and values. In addition, the website should be designed in such a way that it is able to attract and engage the company's target audience, providing them with a memorable and engaging user experience.

Investing in a brand presentation on a website is not just a visual enhancement, but a strategic move that increases the visibility of your company and helps to build a stronger connection with your target audience. It allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors and build long-term relationships with your customers, increasing both loyalty and business success. If you want your brand to stand out and speak positively to the right target audience, it is imperative that you pay attention to how your brand is presented on your website.

Read more: branding

Website security

Today's world is increasingly interconnected, and with that comes new challenges. Security, privacy and data integrity are of the utmost importance to users and should be highlighted for the information of the website visitor. Older and outdated websites are often infested with malware as they may contain easily exploitable security holes. An outdated website can become a victim of hacker attacks, leaking sensitive information such as customer or company employee details.

In the digital age, website security is essential. It's not just about your company's reputation, it's also about your customers' trust in you. A website needs regular checks, malware scanning and data encryption to help protect the business and its customers from threats and fines if data protection laws are not complied with. In addition, it is worth paying attention to aspects such as user authentication, the use of SSL/TLS certificates for data encryption, as well as regular software and plug-in updates. It is also important to inform visitors about privacy policies, including data protection policies and how their data will be handled. Investing in the security of your website is not just an expense, it is an investment in your future and your credibility. By doing so, you show that you value your customers' privacy and security, which in turn increases their trust in your brand.

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Problems with maintenance and renewal

If you find that your company website is difficult to maintain, lacks access or lacks a person to manage it, create or add relevant content, you are already losing potential customers. Organic traffic to a website comes mainly from its content. If relevant content cannot be added you will lose visits and potential customers. Most users quickly leave websites that are slow, with clunky navigation, poor content and outdated design. It should be remembered that visitors are very impatient on the web. Interest is quickly lost if a website takes 3-4 seconds to load and the content is not interesting and relevant. On average, around 8 seconds, is the time a positive first impression should be created for a visitor in order to keep them on the website. A company should allocate sufficient resources to ensure stable results and a loyal customer base that stays. At Atler Digital, we approach each client individually. We understand that each client has different needs and requires an individual approach. Contact us today to upgrade your website, email us: Contact