Web development

Developing a good and unique website is really about a creative process that is in line with the overall strategy and objectives of the company. Well-designed websites offer their visitors much more than just an aesthetically pleasing visual experience. They attract visitors and help people to understand the product, company and brand through different perspectives that include the visuals, content and interactions of the website. This means that each element of the website design must work towards the chosen objectives. It is important to achieve a harmonious synthesis of design elements. This can be done through a holistic development process that takes into account both form and function. We always start by setting the project objectives and defining the project scope, i.e. what functionalities are needed to meet the objectives and how long it will take to develop them. project scope), i.e. what functionalities are needed to meet the objective and how long it will take to develop them.

A website development service can be divided into two groups: a simple website and a website with a unique design. You can calculate the indicative cost of making an website using our Website Price CalculatorNOTE: This is an indicative estimate and the actual cost of the project will be known once the requirements of the project are known. If you are interested in developing an e-shop, read more about E-commerce. development

Simple company website

The development of a simple website is divided into five main stages.

  1. Stage 1 is the planning stage - this is where we plan the website, the selection of the ready-made templates, functionalities and additional modules are carried out in cooperation with the client.
  2. The stage is the Design stage - this stage involves adapting the selected off-the-shelf design elements according to the client's wishes and adding the company branding to the website.
  3. Stage is the Development stage - this stage involves the development of the required functionalities, coding of the uniqe design elements and the addition of the necessary plug-ins to the website to provide the desired functionalities.
  4. Stage is the testing stage - This stage involves testing the website with various automated tests to ensure its reliability.
  5. Stage is the publication of the website

Read more about web design processes forwebsites

Website with a unique design and custom solution

The development of a website with a unique design is divided into six main stages.

  1. Stage is the Analysis and Discovery stage - In this stage we get to know your business, by the end of the stage an analysis document will be prepared based on the project objectives, functionality requirements and internal business processes, client interviews and competitor analysis.
  2. Planning Phase - This phase involves the planning of the website, during this phase a detailed project plan will be drawn up.
  3. Design phase - this phase involves the creation of design wireframes and mock-ups or design prototypes. The design prototypes are created based on the analysis document produced in the first phase.
  4. Development phase - this phase involves coding the design views based on the completed prototypes and developing the functionalities for the website.
  5. Testing phase - In this phase, the website is tested by means of various automated tests and user group tests.
  6. Launch phase is the launch of the website and the follow-up and support services - In this phase, the website is launched and further support and follow-up services are agreed.

Website Analysis and discovery phase

In the Analysis and Discovery phase, we get to know your business. We will set the project objectives, select the initial website functionalities required and map your internal processes and current marketing activities. We will review the previous website, if it exists, to see which operational elements and functionalities could be used.

During the stage, we will also visit your business on-site to better understand your internal processes and help you integrate the sales and marketing processes of the website with your existing business processes without any hassle.

If necessary, we will conduct client interviews with key customers to understand their expectations of the company. We will conduct an analysis of the current customer journey, resulting in an improved customer experience and streamlined business processes.

If necessary, we will perform a website analysis of your main competitors to identify what functionalities and design elements they use and what the customer journey of their websites is. What digital marketing channels they use and how their SEO strategy is set up, what their backlink profile is and how optimised their websites are.

In addition, we will conduct a content audit of the marketing materials and social media accounts that the company already has in place, so that we can recommend what content needs to be added to the new website. Read more about content creation services.

Website Planning Phase

One of the most important parts of the development process is drawing up the project plan. The project plan is drawn up on the basis of the analysis document that was prepared in the first phase. The project plan defines the objectives of the project, the deadlines, the deliverables and the project scope. An annex to the project plan outlines the project schedule of activities for the developer and the client.Completed website sitemap.In addition, we will prepare a content creation strategy on the basis of the content audit carried out in the first phase.

One of the most common and difficult problems that plague web development projects is getting out of scope. The developer, together with the client, sets a goal, deliverable or functionality in the analysis document that is time-bound in the project plan. If the requirements of this objective, deliverable or functionality change gradually during the development process, or if new functionalities are to be added during the development process that were not foreseen before, this is work outside the project scope. In this case, the project is updated to include the new requirements and the phase schedule and the project budget and scope are updated.

Website Design phase

On the basis of the analysis document and the brandbook (CVI), the designer will create an interactive prototype of the website, i.e. the design intentions in the figure - for detailed prototypes, it is certainly necessary to carry out testing with different stakeholders already after the first design views have been completed, such as the company's business or retail customers, key customers, potential customers (cold group), company employees who will use the website in their work. The design phase is divided into weekly design sprints. After the initial design views are completed, we will give you access to the design views where you can review them, add comments to design elements and pages and approve the design views.

In the case of simpler website projects with a specific design, it is usually sufficient to create a design view of some of the more important pages, so that the design issues can be resolved before the development phase begins and the client has a general idea of what their website will look like.

If your company does not yet have a CVI (Corporate Visual Identity), we can create one for you. Read more Branding on service

Website Development Phase

The development phase includes the actual building of the website. In this phase, the actual development and coding of the website takes place. This is the most time-consuming part of the website development process and is divided into two parts. This stage is divided into two parts: front-end work and back-end work:

Front-end work, i.e. coding of design views completed at the design stage.

The back-end work is the development of the actual functionality, i.e. the coding and documentation of the functionality described in the analysis document. While the user interface is designed by visual elements, the back-end program codes instructions to make each element perform the required functions.

Website Testing phase

In the testing phase, the completed website is tested with the automatic tests and also with the previous test groups. The developer checks the functionality of all elements of the website. The aim is to identify any problems such as broken links, non-working functionalities and the functionality of the design on different devices to ensure that everything works correctly. We use validators to check the code, making sure that the code written follows best practices and current standards, testing the speed of the website on different devices and different locations. Once all the tests are passed, the website is ready for publishing.

The end of website development, i.e. the publication, follow-up and support services phase.

At this stage, the company's website is published. The final and lasting phase of the website development is the maintenance and support services. Once your website is published, you may still need help and support in the future. As your business grows, you may need to increase the number of content pages, add new functionality and adapt design elements. You will need to regularly update your website, fix bugs and problems, back up your website and optimise your database. As digital trends are constantly changing, you also need to keep your website up-to-date in terms of both user experience and SEO.

Read more care and support services on

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